5Q Interview @Hemalayaa
1. Tell us about yourself and your introduction to yoga.
My dad is a true yogi, and a house-holder and I was guided by him to practice meditation, devotion and prayer as way to calm body and mind.
My father did some light yoga asana when I was growing up. He said “you must wait until you’re older to do the poses such as headstand”, which he loved to do.
That perked my interest.
When I got into my own yoga asana practice I felt the personal healing benefits and my life changed. I was reborn and I opened up places that my therapist (and other healers) couldn’t reach, and I experienced much relief and release in my first few years of practice. In the first few years of my practice, I chose to be in my own space, and learned asana from a book that one of my best friends gave me. He said he felt that yoga would be good for me…he was right.
But first I had to continue healing myself, and realized it doesn’t end…we just go deeper, and get clearer.
I discovered the dynamic mergence of Yoga and Dance together as a potent transformational practice and it ALL went to another level of awakening, healing and inspiration from there.
It is important for me to keep myself (and my clients/students) awake, inspired and LOVING life ~ This is our birthright…my belief is that we just need effective practices to remind us and take us there again and again…that’s what I’m motivated to do!
2. When did you first begin teaching yoga? What made you transition into a leadership position?
I first began teaching by accident. I was apprenticing my ayurvedic doctor who wanted me to begin sharing some simple practices with clients in his clinic. As I was in service for the mission of this holistic way of life, I agreed to teaching.
When I moved to Los Angeles in 2002, I was a Canadian living in the states, and I wanted to be of service even though I couldn’t officially “work” in this country, I wanted to share and contribute so I began offering classes….
Being a creative person as well as an advocate for fitness/yoga, I began the creation of Yoga/Dance and transformational flourishes in my classes. I felt the great benefit in my life, in my body and with my connections. My connection with myself, family and friends changed into one of sweet intimacy and love.
This is when I began saying “I love you to everyone” HAHA, but for real. 🙂 I felt that LOVE was the “easy” part…because we are LOVE…so what are we going to do with it once we recognize that?
I got clear that teaching, making DVD’s and creating workshops for women was what I am destined to do – my first workshop ever was called “The KamaSutra Dance Journey” and was a great success…I felt aligned with sharing the power of being fully embodied as a Divine Feminine: Powerful, Sensual, Creative, Mission-Driven AND Inspired!
3. What makes your classes unique?
My classes offer a full embodied, life-enhancing experience. You will get some of the same moves plus dance, various exercises to get you out of your mind and into your heart-center AND you’ll receive a ‘life-altering, perspective-upgrade’. I can’t tell you what we do, as it is always different but the final results are the same: we come home to our true self and a deep connection with each other…our human truth. I’m hesitant to say this, because it’s a little new-agey to make a declaration like this…but heck, I’ll say it: In my classes, you will have a unique spiritual awakening that will bring you in touch with a deep part of you that wants to be seen again and again…
4. How does music benefit your guidance in a yoga class?
Music helps open up places that have no words, and releases old ways of thinking, and doing: bringing us into a child-wisdom dancing with present magnificence. Music helps open places that need healing but no amount of words can do the job…sometimes it takes sound vibration (the most powerful vibration) to bring the true light to shine.
5. Tell me about your next event and where we can follow you online.
…and I am excited about working with you at the various festivals that we are rocking! Shakti Fest, LIB, Emerge Festival, Bhakti Fest…
Here’s our experience:
Hemalayaa + DTO: Yoga ~ Dance ~ Live Music! Hemalayaa combines yoga and dance to enhance your optimal health, radiant-self, and spiritual connection.
Hemalayaa incorporates dynamic postures, free-form dance, positive affirmations, and energizing breath-work. Let’s recycle our negative thoughts and transcend them into powerful intentions for our lives.
DTO of Buddha Music Group will amplify your senses through the frequencies of his album Nameless Energy.
DTO will inspire your experience into a vibration-raising awakening for your soul.
Our experience will invigorate and energize the brilliance of your purpose.
Attention Yogis and Yoginis: Are you interested in doing a 5Q Interview? Fill out your unique responses here.