Dolce Ardor: An Award-Winning Music Video
DTO and Andrea Sáenz present DOLCE ARDOR: An Opera Music Video
Wow! We have won 3 total film festivals!
A Radio Interview with the Visionaries behind the Revival of Dolce Ardor:
We appreciate all you that have been supporting this endeavor; The next step is sharing with your friends about this project and attending the upcoming launch parties in Los Angeles and San Diego for the premier of the music video. #DolceArdor Donors, click this link for your perk distributions
Have a look behind the scenes!
This project has included contributions from a talented team of visionary artists. Here is some of their featured art:
We appreciate your continued love and support on our project. Thank you!
Love ~ Light ~ Awareness,
Thank you for breathing life into this project:
WORKING CREDITS: (additions coming as project is unfolding)
“Raising the vibrations of the planet through art and music” ~ Buddha Music Group
Crowdfunding video by Shoot Cut Deliver. Thank you, Neil Newman!
Thank you for keeping up on the progress of this operatic trip-hop infused project.
“O del mio dolce ardor”
“O del mio dolce ardor” is an icon of early Italian opera.
Written by a non-Italian (Christoph Willibald von Gluck), “O del mio dolce ardor” has musical qualities which later in history would be associated with the bel canto era in Italian vocal music (“beautiful singing”). The pinnacle of bel canto were the operas of Donizetti and Bellini in the 19th century. “O del mio dolce ardor,” from the opera Paride ed Elena (Paris and Helen), has an extraordinarily beautiful vocal melody—quite striking on the ear! As was the custom in that era, it was composed with a male soprano (castrato) in mind. Here are the “O del mio dolce ardor” lyrics and “O del mio dolce ardor” translation:
O del mio dolce ardor
Bramato oggetto,
L’aura che tu respiri,
Alfin respiro.
O vunque il guardo io giro,
Le tue vaghe sembianze
Amore in me dipinge:
Il mio pensier si finge
Le più liete speranze;
E nel desio che così
M’empie il petto
Cerco te, chiamo te, spero e sospiro.
Oh, of my sweet ardor
You desired object!
The air which you breathe,
At last I will breathe.
Wherever my glance I turn
Your lovely features
Love for me paint a picture:
My thoughts imagine
The most happy hopes,
And in the longing which
Thus fills my breast
I seek you, I call you, I hope, and I sigh. Ah!